Agent Aruni’s Guide to Rainbow Six Siege: Weapons, equipment, role…

Learn how to play Agent Aruni on Rainbow Six Siege. This guide features the…

Agent Aruni's Guide to Rainbow Six Siege: Weapons, equipment, role...

Discover how to play Agent Aruni on Rainbow Six Siege. This guide features the best weapons, accessories, and gadgets to maximize the potential of this horrifyingly laser-focused defender.

Aruni is an Area Denial focused agent that offers a unique ability, laser portals. Portals are excellent tools for forcing attackers to waste their abilities or delay a push. But it does not excel in any style of play.

Health Speed
Aruni Rainbow Six SiegeHow to play Aruni

Role: Universal

Aruni can is often considered an Anchor through the fact that she is the only defender who can pick up her portals and place them elsewhere. Moving portals is, however, a rarely necessary action.

As such, Aruni can be played as either a Roamer or Anchor and in direct relation to your play style and composition.



Aruni is a very simple agent mechanically.

  • Simple to use
  • Requires basic map knowledge
  • Flexible in its play style

What equipment to choose for Aruni

What main weapon to choose

Aruni has access to two main weapons, the Mk 14 EBR and the P10 RONI. Not only is the P10 RONI a real monster, but the weapon is also automatic unlike the Mk 14 EBR. So this makes the P10 an obvious choice.

Viewer Gun Handle Under the barrel
Holographic Flame Cover Slanted Handle X

Which secondary weapon to choose

Aruni only has one secondary weapon, the PRB92. The weapon is decent and you can rely on it in an emergency.

Viewer Gun Handle Under the barrel
X Mouthbrake X X

What gadget to choose

Aruni has access to two universal gadgets: the Bearded Wire and the Armored Camera.
Choosing the right gadget will depend primarily on your play style. For Aruni we recommend the Bearded Wire which will be an effective companion to your Surya portals.

Bearded Wire

Single capacity

The Surya Portal is Aruni’s unique ability in Rainbow Six Siege.

Surya Portal

Aruni has 3 Surya Gateswhich are laser gates to impede the opponent’s progress.

What you need to know about Surya Portals:

  • They can be deployed on walls, doors, windows and destructible hatches
  • Aruni (and only she) can retrieve deployed Surya
  • Portals deactivate when an allied player is nearby, allowing teammates to pass through unscathed
  • Portals have no time limit and are indestructible
  • They can, however, be temporarily disabled for 30 seconds, after which the gate must be reactivated by the defenders
  • Destroys gadgets that hit the lasers but deactivates afterwards
  • Inflicts 30 points of damage to Assailants who pass through the door

The main purpose of the Surya Gate is to intercept opposing gadgets and abilities. They also help to slow down the opponent’s progress or sometimes even force them to take a major detour.

An additional ability of Aruni is his enhanced robotic arm. This arm allows Aruni to make holes similar to a shotgun blast. In addition to this, Aruni is able to open unreinforced hatches with a single punch, a good way to reshape the map if played as Anchor.

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