This elusive Pokémon from Pokémon Go may never be available in the game
Trainers are still wondering why Kecleon is still not in Pokémon Go, after a…

Trainers are still wondering why Generation 3 Kecleon is still not in Pokémon Go, after a list of unavailable Pokémon gained traction online.
Pokémon Go has an abundance of Pokémon included in the game six years after its release.
However, while Niantic has released all of the Pokémon from Generations 1 and 2, and most of the non-legendary Pokémon from Generations 3 through 6, the absence of one Pokémon is noticeable.
Now, after a list of Pokémon not released in Pokémon Go gained traction on Reddit, fans are almost convinced that Generation 3 Kecleon will simply never come to the mobile game.
Pokémon Go fans think Kecleon will never be available
The aforementioned list comes from Reddit user lmartins06 who made a post on the subreddit TheSilphRoad showing all the unreleased Pokémon in Pokémon Go up to Gen 6.
The list shows a variety of Mythical Pokémon, Pokémon with multiple forms, and Pokémon with regional variants, but the odd one out is the only Gen 3 exclusion: Kecleon.
Others have also noticed this exclusion, as players have speculated about Kecleon’s arrival since Gen 3 Pokémon arrived in Pokémon Go back in 2017.
Others have responded to jfleck13’s comments with similar confusion, such as NervousLittleSheep who said, “there were so many opportunities to release Kecleon, but they keep opting for Metamorph instead.”
On the other hand, some trainers have simply given up hope that the chameleon Pokémon will ever make an appearance in the game.
“I’m convinced that Kecleon is locked in a dungeon somewhere and that Niantic will never let us have it,” said user hotterpocketzz.
Also, some people joked about Kecleon’s strange absence, like B133d_4u_ who said that “Kecleon is already in the game, you just can’t see him without the special glasses”.
Although Niantic claimed last year that a “special version” for Kecleon was planned, crien has not materialized.