Pokémon Go: Field Studies and Rewards Study Phases – August 2022

August Field Studies have been revealed on Pokémon Go. In particular, players can get…

The Field Studies for August 2022 have been revealed on Pokémon Go. Players can obtain Limonde de Galar and a number of other rewards.

Introduced in 2018 on Pokémon Go, Field Studies offer trainers weekly challenges to complete for great rewards.

For August 2022, Niantic has put the spotlight on a Pokémon that players are already familiar with, Galar’s Limonde. Here’s everything you need to know about the rewards to be earned through Field Studies.

  • List and Rewards for Field Studies – August 2022
    • Capture Challenges
    • Combat Challenges
    • Recharge Challenges
    • Throwing Challenges
    • Buddies and Friends Challenge
    • Other Challenges
  • The Field Studies
  • The Special Studies
  • Unlocking Study Phases on Pokémon Go
  • Getting Limonde from Galar and its Shiny version in Study Phases

pokémon go field studyPokémon Go Field Study List and Awards – August 2022


Field Studies – Capture Awards
Use 5 Nanab Berries to catch Pokémon Mystherbe*, Tournegrin*, Poichigeon*
Catch 5 weather boosted Pokémon Ptitard*, Goupix*, Hippopotas*, Blizzi*, Star Dust (x200), Framby Bay (x3), Nanana Bay (x1), Poké Ball (x5)
Catch 7 Pokémon Magicarp*
Catch 5 different Pokémon species Amonita*
Catch a Dragon-type Pokémon Minidraco*, Draby*, Star Dust (x1500), Framby Bay (x6), Nanana Bay (x2), Super Ball (x5)
Catch 5 Pokémon Rhinocorne*
Catch 10 Plant-type Pokémon Star Dust (x500), Framby Berry (x6), Nanana Berry (x2), Super Ball (x5)
Catch 10 Fire-type Pokémon Star Dust (x500), Framby Berry (x6), Nanana Berry (x2), Super Ball (x5)
Catch 10 Water-type Pokémon Star Dust (x500), Framby Berry (x6), Nanana Berry (x2), Super Ball (x5)
Catch 10 Pokémon of type Normal Star Dust (x500), Framby Berry (x6), Nanana Berry (x2), Super Ball (x5)
Catch a Metamorph Star Dust (x1500), Super Candy (x3), Golden Raspberry (x2), Hyper Ball (x10)
Catch 10 Pokémon Star Dust (x200), Framby Bay (x3), Nanana Bay (x1), Poké Ball (x5)
Catch 10 weather boosted Pokémon Star Dust (x500), Framby Berry (x6), Nanana Berry (x2), Super Ball (x5)
Use 5 Berries to catch Pokémon Star Dust (x500), Framby Berry (x6), Nanana Berry (x2), Super Ball (x5)

* This Pokémon can appear in shiny/chromatic versions


Field Studies – Combat Awards
Fight in the Combat GO League Obalie*
Purify a Dark Pokémon Simularbre*
Win a level 3 or higher Raid Amonita*, Kabuto*
Win a Raid Ossatuer*
Win 5 Raids Petera*

* This Pokémon can appearin shiny/chromatic versions


Field Studies – Recharge and Evolution
Recharge a Pokémon 3 times
Bulbizarre*, Carapuce*, Salamech*
Recharge a Pokémon 5 times
Germignon*, Hericendre*, Kaiminus*
Recharge a Pokémon 7 times
Arcko*, Gobou*, Poussifeu*
Recharge a Pokémon 5 times
Tortank Mega-Energy (x10), Dardargnan Mega-Energy (x10), Firecracker Mega-Energy (x10)
Recharge a Pokémon 5 times
Florizarre Mega-Energy (x10), Roucarnage Mega-Energy (x10)
Recharge a Pokémon 10 times
Steelix Mega Energy (x25)

* This Pokémon can appearin shiny/chromatic versions


Field Studies – Pitch
Make 3 great throws Anorith*, Lilia* and Snubbull* – Framby Bay (x3), Nanana Bay (x1), Poké Ball (x5), Star Dust (x200)
Make 5 nice throws Insolourdo* – Framby Bay (x3), Nanana Bay (x1), Poké Ball (x5), Star Dust (x200)
Make 3 great throws in a row Onix* – Super Candy (x1), Raspberry Berry (x9), Nanana Berry (x3), Poké Ball (x10), Hyper Ball (x5), Star Dust (x1000)
Make 5 awesome effect throws in a row Spinda*
Make a great pitch Donphan*
Make 3 excellent throws in a row Griknot*
Make 5 effect throws in a row Framby Bay (x6), Nanana Bay (x2), Super Ball (x5), Star Dust( x500)
Make 2 nice effect throws in a row Framby Bay (x3), Nanana Bay (x1), Poké Ball (x5), Star Dust (x200)
Make 3 nice throws in a row Nana Bay (x2), Super Ball (x5), Hyper Ball (x2), Star Dust (x500)
Make 3 great effect throws Super Candy (x1), Raspberry (x9), Nanana Berry (x3), Poké Ball (x10), Hyper Ball (x5), Star Dust (x1000)
Make 3 great effect throws in a row Super Candy (x3), Golden Raspberry Berry (x2), Hyper Ball (x10), Star Dust x1500
Make a great throw Nana Bay (x2), Super Ball (x5), Hyper Ball (x2), Star Dust (x500)

* This Pokémon can appearin shiny/chromatic versions

Buddies and Friends

Field Studies – Pitch
Win 2 Candies by walking with your Buddy
Play with your Buddy
Swap a Pokémon
Send 3 Gifts with a sticker
Win 1 Candy by walking with your Buddy
Win 2 Candies by walking with your Buddy

* This Pokémon can appearin shiny/chromatic versions


Field Studies – Miscellaneous Awards
Hatch 1 Egg Demanta*, Embrylex*
Evolve a Pokémon Evoli*
Run 3 PokéStops or Arenas Simularbre*, Framby Berry (x6), Nanana Berry (x2), Super Ball (x5), Star Dust (x500)
Take a picture of 1 Pokémon in the wild Snubbull*
Catch 1 Pokémon in the wild Cornel*, Granivol*, Yanma*, Royal Rock
Run 5 PokéStops or Arenas Tarsal*
Hatch 2 Eggs Terhal*

* This Pokémon can appearin shiny/chromatic versions


pokémon go field studies awardsThe Special Studies on Pokémon Go

Special Studies are often based on the game’s story or tied to a particular event. These time-limited tasks often lead to encounters with fabulous or legendary Pokémon such as Mewtwo, Rayquaza or Mew.

How to Unlock Study Phases on Pokémon Go

At the beginning of the month, players receive a box of Study Phases with seven slots to put stamps in. Trainers earn a research stamp for each completed Field Study.

Beware, you can only get one stamp per day. This means that it takes at least a week to amass all seven buffers and validate the Study Phases.

How to get Galar’s Limonde and its Shiny version in Pokémon Go Study Phases

Once you collect seven buffs, Study Phases will unlock and you can open the box. For this August 2022, the final reward will give you an encounter with Limonde of Galar.

Limonde of Galar in Pokémon GoFeatured-Hours program | How to Prepare for Featured Hour | Raid Schedule | Field Studies and Awards | Codes for Free Items | Capture Metamorph | Beating Giovanni | Beating Arlo | Beating Cliff | Beating Sierra | Beating Rocket henchmen