Pokémon Go: How to Capture Metamorph in August 2022 – Appearances, shiny

Learn the best ways to find and capture Metamorph in Pokémon Go. As well…

In Pokémon Go, Metamorph is particularly difficult to find. After all, how do you capture a Pokémon that can take any form? We explain it all to you!

The hardest creatures to catch in Pokémon Go aren’t always the ones you think. According to many trainers, there’s one little monster from the first generation that’s far more of a headache to find than any legendary Pokémon: Metamorph.

In fact, you already know what’s special about this little pink gum: it can take on the appearance of other Pokémon. In most games in the franchise, this ability is only illustrated in battle. But in Pokémon Go, it is indeed in the wild that Metamorph will camouflage itself by mimicking other creatures.

In this guide, we give you all the forms Metamorph can take and some tips on how to capture it.

  • How to find Metamorph
  • Appearances of Metamorph
  • Is Metamorph Shiny available?

Metamorph appearance in Pokémon GO
The Pokémon Company

Don’t expect to run into a Metamorph in its true form in Pokémon Go!

How to find Metamorph on Pokémon Go

Let’s face it: there’s no miracle method to easily and quickly capture this charming little Pokémon. In any case, you’ll need a little luck but above all, you’ll need to arm yourself with patience.

In fact, there’s only one way to find a Metamorph in the wild: you have to know which Pokémon it can disguise itself as, then catch these creatures as soon as you come across one.

With each capture, you’ll then have a small chance of getting a nice surprise. Instead of the usual “I’ve got you!” message, you will then see “Oh?” appear. You will then discover that you just got a Metamorph!

Metamorph appearances in Pokémon Go – August 2022

Here is the current list of appearances Metamorph can take on Pokémon GO:

Abo* Arakdo Chamallot
Abo Arakdo Chamallot in Pokémon Go
Crabicoque* Ecayon Fantominus*
Crabicoche Ecayon Fantominus
Keunotor Mimigal Natu*
Keunotor Mimigal Natu
Ponchiot Sucroquin
Ponchiot Sucroquin
metamorph Pokémon Go tip guide Does Metamorph Shiny exist on Pokémon Go?
metamoprh pokémon go catchEvent Calendar | Featured Hours Program | Raids Calendar | Field Studies and Awards | Codes for Free Items | Capture Metamorph | Beating Giovanni | Beating Arlo | Beating Cliff | Beating Sierra | Beating Rocket Henchmen