Drafts leaked on TikTok, how to protect your videos?

Several TikTok users have recently reported the leak of their drafts, videos that were…

Drafts leaked on TikTok, how to protect your videos?

Many TikTok users have recently reported the leak of their drafts, videos that were supposed to be kept private…Here are the steps to take to avoid finding yourself in such a situation.

No matter what app you use, the security of their data is always a top priority for users, especially when photo or video sharing comes into play. After all, no one wants private content to suddenly surface, with all that entails.

Unfortunately, bugs and hacks are commonplace, so an accident can happen quickly and it can happen anywhere, even on TikTok, not to mention especially on TikTok.

Like all users who regularly use the app, you probably have many videos waiting idly in your drafts, at least … in theory.

Lately, it seems that some private videos have been shared on TikTok when they shouldn’t have been. Testimonies have multiplied on the app, with many TikTokers sounding the alarm.


Are there truly drafts leaking on TikTok?

While many users have complained about having multiple drafts mysteriously released, there are unfortunately not enough cases to confirm that there really is a leak on the app, or that it is a victim of a particularly tough bug.

While at first glance this problem may seem minor, only mentioning the leak of videos that would have been shared later anyway, beyond “failed”, or “embarrassing” videos several TikTokers have had some of their sensitive content shared, which puts them in a tricky situation.

“TikTok just randomly published one of my drafts, 100,000 people saw it, I’m going to cry,” said one Tiktoker.

Of course, we can’t be sure that these complaints are legitimate, but the problem remains a concern.

How to protect yourself from this potential leak.

The easiest way to prevent your drafts from being published without your consent would be to delete them, especially if you weren’t really planning to use them.

On the other hand, if you were planning to use them, feel free to save them to your smartphone beforehand and then delete them from the app. You can add them again later.

If you find that your drafts have been published, delete the video and contact TikTok customer support to escalate the issue.