Mordern Warfare 2: towards a definitive removal of the slide cancel?
Slide Cancel has been a point of contention for Modern Warfare players. However rumors…

The Slide Cancel has been a point of contention for Call of Duty players since Modern Warfare of 2019. With rumors suggesting that changes could be made to remove Slide Cancel in Modern Warfare 2 players seem thrilled.
While shooting skills and remains the key factor to winning in Call of Duty, mastering movement has become more important over the years. This is mainly due to the introduction of Slide Cancel in 2019’s Modern Warfare.
A form of Slide Cancel also appeared in Cold War and Vanguard, but its exact status in Modern Warfare 2 has yet to be confirmed. Nevertheless, rumors suggest that the mechanic has undergone major changes.
A Reddit user uses testimonials from CoD experts Kris ‘FaZe Swagg’ Lamberson and Thomas ‘ZooMaa’ Paparatto to draw attention to the possibility of major changes affecting Slide Cancel.
Although nothing has been confirmed, both content creators have played Modern Warfare 2 and hinted at the changes. The discussion around Slide Cancel has led to several players expressing their opinions on the potential removal or nerf.
The majority of discussions reveal that users are thrilled with the prospect and state “I hope it gets removed” and “Good riddance”.
As the original post explains, most players see the Slide Cancel as something that creates an unfair advantage.
At the end of the day, players hope that the developers will find the right balance regarding the Slide Cancel as one player says:“I don’t want it to be completely removed, but I think it needs a nerf. It can get completely ridiculous at times.”